Thanks, Louis, I sure wish it were warmer.
You have never seen anything like this in your life. So painful, yet so funny at the same time. And it is ABSOLUTELY REAL.
You have never seen anything like this in your life. So painful, yet so funny at the same time. And it is ABSOLUTELY REAL.
Well folks, it looks like we have a new King of the Douchebags. Today, some jackass decided he wanted to kill himself. So he drove his car onto some railroad tracks and waited for the train to arrive. Except before the train got there he had a change of heart and decided life was worth living after all. Except the asshole left his car sitting on the railroad tracks. The train slammed into the car, of course with the driver safely out of the area, and derailed, smashing into two other trains and killing ten people and injuring 200 more. Verrrrrrry impressive. So, for a quick recap, this retard wanted to kill one person. He ended up killing ten, none of which were the intended target. And now he's being charged with homicide. Good luck getting off on that one buddy. You should have just stayed in the car. Because now, not only does everyone in the world think you're one of the worst people ever, you're gonna be on suicide watch and you're not gonna be able to kill yourself even if you want to. But they will have to guard you closely because who knows how many innocent bystanders might go down the next time.
If Oprah can have a show dedicated to her favorite things, then I'm gonna have a post detailing all of MY favorite things. The difference would be that Oprah's favorites are GAY and mine are NOT GAY.
This is my favorite IM conversation ever. It's from about two years ago. I was talking to Dave, my roommate at the time, who is two rooms away from me, while he is working on an important assignment. Also, FYI, Emily (who is mentioned below) is not a real person. She doesn't exist - Dave made her up.
Apparently Orenthal J. Simpsons's daughter has been arrested for disorderly conduct. That is such a shock to me. Her dad is such a calm and peaceful guy, I don't know where she could have learned that such behavior is acceptable. I mean, I only remembering him committing one double murder. And one is almost zero. So how could a guy who has committed almost no double murders have a daughter that is so out of control? Kids today, man. I'm telling you . . .
I believe that people should be grouped together into categories based on their first names. Which category do you fit into?
I'm really getting aggravated with people saying "man alive." Maybe it's a southern Ohio thing, I'm not really sure. On the off-chance that you haven't heard it, or that you don't say it yourself, it's used as an exclamation, such as "man alive! there are a lot of people here!" Or, "man alive, boy! I'm going to kick yer ass." The only time I want to hear somebody say that is if there are rescue workers searching through some rubble and one of them says "we've got a man alive down here!" I would also prefer that you didn't say, "jiminy freakin' christmas," but I only know one person who says that. And I don't think he can read anyway. If you must express surprise, shock, anger, et cetera, please choose from the list I have provided below.
The point of this blog is to share my opinions on whatever aspects of life I feel like criticizing. It is not my goal, as is the case with some others, to expound upon the mundane aspects of every daily activity. For example: "I went to school today. It sucked." Or: "My friend is coming in from out of town this weekend. Hooray." This blog is supposed to be entertaining, and perhaps a little bit educational. But since nobody really reads this right now, I'm not going to break my back trying to come up with something to say every day. When I've got something, I'll post it.
Welcome to my blog. I'm glad you decided to join me. Trust me, you want to read this. You NEED to read this. It's kinda like breathing. If you don't do it . . . something happens . . . probably bad . . . well whatever. As you've probably noticed, I really like using ellipses (. . .). Here are some other things I really like using: Miracle Whip, low-octane gasoline, and leaves (instead of toilet paper). On the other hand, I HATE parentheses. If I see one parenthesis, I'll just freak out. Anyway, on to business . . .