The Juice's Daughter?
Apparently Orenthal J. Simpsons's daughter has been arrested for disorderly conduct. That is such a shock to me. Her dad is such a calm and peaceful guy, I don't know where she could have learned that such behavior is acceptable. I mean, I only remembering him committing one double murder. And one is almost zero. So how could a guy who has committed almost no double murders have a daughter that is so out of control? Kids today, man. I'm telling you . . .
That's ok, I don't think the cops will need to be involved. I'm sure OJ would be more than happy to "take care of it himself".
--Pedro Go-rare-ro
Yeah, but you know, she didn't REALLY do what she was accused of. No, really...they're still looking for the real puryevor of said conduct. They won't rest until they find him/her, either.
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