Friday, June 03, 2005

Dare to be stupid?

As we all know, and as I've said before, there are a lot of stupid people in the world. I mean a lot. A lot lot. What surprises me is the number of dumb people who are willing to freely show of their lack of intelligence. It happened all throughout high school and college. In nearly ever class, you'll get one of these people, almost always a female, who never understands ANYTHING and has to ask a question every two minutes because the teacher is going too fast or the material is confusing or something like that. "Wait a second. I don't get it. What did you mean by that?" Then half the time they won't get the explanation either. But nothing deters them from continuing to ask questions. Why is it always a girl? I'm not saying that guys are smarter. I guess what I'm saying is that guys are more conscious about the image that they portray to other people. At least that's what I've gathered from the evidence presented to me. Obviously this isn't a hard and fast rule. There's the occasional guy who doesn't understand stuff and asks too many questions. And I'm sure there are girls who choose to go on being confused rather than show off their incomprehension. I guess I look at it this way: it's better to be dumb in private than to be dumb in public. You're only dumb if people know you're dumb. It's like the old saying, "if a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, does it make a sound?" The answer is, no it doesn't make a sound. It makes sound waves, but if those waves are not perceived by a device, such as an ear, that can process them, they are not converted into sound. It's the same thing with stupidity. You may be stupid, but stupidity is simply the perception of other people of your lack of intelligence. So if you don't show them that you're dumb, you're not dumb. I guess what I'm saying is, don't feed the machine. But maybe some dumb people are just too dumb to understand that.


Blogger Workman Chronicles said...

Let me give you a different angle.
You (or some monied person in your immediate family) has invested serious buckage for this year's college tuition.
However, rather than raise a hand and look dumb, you sit there in a cloud of confusion, letting the meter run on an education that is doing you no good.
My approach changed considerably when I started funding my own tuition. Hell, I wanted to get my money's worth!
Don't let "cool" get in the way of learnin'. Make the guy at the front of the room earn his paycheck. Ask him questions. Even if it's just for the correct time.

Sorry for sounding kind of dad-esque on that one. I know it's difficult to comprehend and accept as truth, but yes, I was young once. By age 19, I thought I knew it ALL. Couldn't believe how stupid the rest of the world could be. I could have fixed everything had the world just asked. Then I got married (I know, to some an instant indicator of stupidity, but it was probably one of the smarter things I've done.)
As the years have reeled off, I have continued to discover just how dumb I am. How dumb I've always been.
And the epitome of my stupidity can be traced back to the days when I really thought I knew everything.

Wow, dangerously close to being a sermon. Sorry, nostalgia does this to me.

*Morris Workman

12:56 PM  

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