What type of blog entry are you?
I'm getting really sick of these "What type of _____ are you?" deals that I keep seeing. Seems like every damn person has one on their IM profile, and a new one pops up every week or so. But they're things that don't make any sense, because they're not really things that people can be. There's never one that says "What type of person are you?" Or "What kind of learner are you?" Or "What type of eater are you?" It's always something ridiculous that has nothing to do with human beings. What type of book are you? What kind of beverage are you? What sort of cloud are you? I've got news for all of you. None of you are any of those things.
Well, just to take this thing that sucks, and make it mine, I present to you my "What type of poo are you?" You're gonna have to just pick out the one that fits you best because I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it. I mean, I don't really feel like trying to make a quiz.
You're common brown poo. You're the boring sort. You're just a face in the crowd, but don't worry, most other people are too. You're almost always around, but nobody really pays close attention to you. You lack style, but you make up for it in substance.
You're hangover poo. You serve as our conscience. When we party too hard, you're always there to let us know. We're not quite sure exactly what you are sometimes, but we usually feel a little better once you're gone.
You're liquid poo. Lots of times, you show up when you're not wanted. Sometimes, you even come to the party early. You're nothing but a nuisance. When you do show up, you usually stay around for a while.
You're exceptionally large poo. You're the sort that people are proud to be associated with. You're a monument. People will call their friends to come take a look at how spectacular you are. Even when people are tired of you, it often takes more than one try to get rid of you completely.
You're electric green poo. You come around only once in a great while, but when you do, you get noticed. People are shocked when you show up. You're an enigma. People don't understand you, but they love you nonetheless.
I feel your pain, Brad.
It's similar to another of my peevish observations, stolen from Billy Crystal in "When Harry Met Sally," which is: why is it when people say they're reincarnated, their past life was always somebody famous? It's never "In my past life I was Joe Schmoe."
Wouldn't the mathematical odds dictate that SOMEBODY was a nobody in their past life?
As for me, in my past life, I was King Arthur's electric green poo.
*Morris Workman
This is so classic. I had to link to this it was so great.
Yeah, this was funny as hell. Its usually chicks who send that stuff around. It's annoying as hell!
I am definately GREEN ELECTRIC POO or whatever the last option is. Thanks for clearing that up cuz up till now I was confused.
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