Attention Associates
I think it's funny that large companies give their employees that do menial tasks job titles that make them sound way more important than they actually are. For example, Wal-Mart calls all of its employees "associates." So when you're there, you'll hear an announcement over the P.A. system like, "will an associate in Toys please call extension 277?" Associate? You mean Joe Blow who's stocking the shelves. Is that supposed to make them feel better about only getting that far in life? Hey, Brian, I haven't seen you in like 10 years! What are you doing these days? Well, I'm an Associate for one of the largest corporations in the world. Wow, Brian, good for you. You've really made something of yourself. You probably won't be impressed that I am a lawyer now. I don't get it, you always got such bad grades in school.
Fast food restaurants will also give all of their employees important-sounding titles. Everyone who works at Wendy's is Shift Manager, or Safety Coordinator, or Operations Associate. Look at their nametags. None of them say "Fryolator Operator" or "Ketchup Squeezer" like they should.
If this kind of stuff really makes a difference to people, it makes me wish I had my own store. I'd give all my employees important-sounding titles if it means that I can pay them minimum wage. "Any President of the Company, cleanup in aisle 5 please. Any President of the Company, cleanup in aisle 5."
For me, personally, it's the opposite. I don't care what title you give me. I want the money. If you pay me enough, I'll be a Goat Ball Licker.
Titles mean NOTHING! NOTHING! I report DIRECTLY to the Chief Informatin Officer of our company!!! WOW, Big time you say!, But I'm just an Assistant Reserach Analyst. Oh but wait, I have an Assistant Research Analyst doing work FOR me.
Good Post.
Well I guess Assistant RESERACH Analyst is a better title than Assistand RESEARCH Analyst. Also, good job collecting INFORMATIN.
This is definitely the best blog I've ever read. It's so damn funny and true. So damn true. By the way, my daughter's name is Isabella, and she's cute. I'm pretty sure though you weren't talking about her when you made a reference about baby names.
hi. i am an associate who wears a big ass name tag the size of a large sandwich and gainfully employed as a part time associate photo lab rat at our brand spanking new wal-mart in my small rural village of 13,000. i do not consider myself anything other than a damn photo lab rat. as for calling my stupid trailer trash coworkers.... "associates" .. that's crap. when i get on the intercom to page a fellow dork to go to another fucking department i just say something to the script of "get your trailer park self over to fucking toys now." oh... and then I say "please." and dammit i say it with a smile :)
love your blog. i will be back often. inky
PS: I just read your profile. My favorite comedy is "WHAT ABOUT BOB?" and also love "SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION".... cool beans.
Do you have a blog gypsy?
hi brad... click on the link above my comments or go to:
cheers, inky
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