Tuesday, April 12, 2005


On March 30, Mitch Hedberg died at the age of 37. He was one of my favorite stand-up comedians, and was recognized as being one of the very best around. If you haven't heard Mitch before, his style is unique and difficult to explain, but I suggest picking up one of his albums or looking for his special on Comedy Central. Here is a bunch of Hedberg quotes - you'll get a sense for his comedy but if you understand his delivery style it makes it so much more hilarious.

As a tribue to Mitch Hedberg, I will conduct this blog entry in the style of one of his acts. Hopefully you can picture Mitch delivering these lines, or at least me doing it in the style of Mitch.

I went to Japan to tell jokes, and I was there for quite a while. I started to develop a Japanese accent. Problem is it did not go away when I came back. The clerk looked at me like I was crazy when I asked for some Engarish Murfins and Chocorate Mirk.

When something is done in a style that is reminiscent of something else, I like to use the suffix -esque. I saw a guy using some squeeze jelly the other day. Hey, that jelly is shampoo bottle-esque. That donut is bagel-esque. Alright.

A homeless guy asked me if I had any change. I said no. Then I said, "do you have any stay the same?" Man that joke was ridiculous.

When I was in school sometimes I would get bored in class. I would do the crossword puzzle while the professor was lecturing. But sometimes one of the clues would be about the same subject we were discussing in class, so I didn't feel bad asking for help. I'd raise my hand and say, "What was the name of the guy who was in charge of the Manhattan Project? J. Robert something. I think his last name was 11 letters long. And I think the third letter was a P."


Blogger LJ said...

"A homeless guy asked me if I had any change. I said no. Then I said, "do you have any stay the same?" Man that joke was ridiculous."

-I am gonna try this one on a bum in downtown Cleveland? Dare me?

3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Birbiglia also did a tribute to Mitch, because they were friends. You can view it here:

http://www.birbigs.com/cvsnotebook.html (click on "In Memory of Mitch")

Also, check out some of Mike's other stuff...he's hilarious. www.birbigs.com

9:05 AM  

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