Thursday, May 12, 2005

Why the South sucks

I read a horrible article today that said a school in Alabama that had been named after Nathan Bedford Forrest is being renamed. In case you're unaware, Nathan Bedford Forrest was the FOUNDER OF KU KLUX KLAN. Also, the school's population is 35% black. Shit like this makes me wish that when the southern states seceded from the union, we should have just said "to hell with 'em" and let them go. How could any school be named after Nathan Bedford Forrest???? It boggles the mind. That's like naming a school after Adolf Hitler. "Hello everybody. I just want to let you know that the name of the school in no way reflects the environment we want to have here. We're all about acceptance of all people here at Hitler High. But we ain't changin' the name."


Anonymous Anonymous said...


You must understand that the reasons for the Klu Klux Klan forming and for why the south wanted to leave the union are fairly complex. Also don't think for one second that the civil war was really about slavery, it was more about state's right's vs federal rights and Lincoln freeing the slaves was purley a military move..

8:47 PM  
Blogger Brad said...

Ok Christopher, and what you must understand is that it's the Ku Klux Klan, not the Klu Klux Klan. And you must also understand that none of that matters. He is the founder of the KKK and should not have a school named after him, bottom line. I know the civil war was about states' rights. But the main right in that regard was slavery. If there was no slavery, there would have been no civil war.

9:47 PM  
Blogger Workman Chronicles said...

Hey, don't be so judgemental.
Bedford deserves to have a high school named after him.
He did a lot of positive, important things during his time.
Like keeping the cotton industry in business with the boost in sales for white sheets.
And the lumber industry probably did well in his area.
And if he hadn't come up with somebody to hate, some of those folks might STILL be loving their cousins.
At graduation, I wonder what color robes are worn...and is the cap a flat mortar board, or does it involve more of a point...

*Morris Workman

11:20 AM  
Blogger LJ said...

Tip to others: Don't try to tell Brad about history and what things like the Civil War were really fought for. Chances are Brad can run circles around you on the facts about such things.

Workman's comments are awesome. I rarely read his comments without having to chuckle for a few moments.

1:01 PM  
Blogger Karissa (mommy) said...

The South sucks...I agree. Also, Brad sucks because he doesn't post enough for this stay-at-home mom. You suck Brad!!! Ok, seriously you need to post!!!

11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tip to Luke: There are a lot of valid arguments against honoring Forrest, but actually Forrest was not the founder of the Ku Klux Klan. Not even close.

Unfortunately, citing historical inaccuracies actually gives ammunition to his supporters.

3:06 PM  
Blogger acidboy said...

To anonymous: "After the war he participated in the founding of the Ku Klux Klan. According to one oral report, Gordon went to former slave trader and Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest in Memphis, Tennessee, and told him about the new organization, to which Forrest replied, "That's a good thing; that's a damn good thing. We can use that to keep the niggers in their place." A few weeks later, Forrest was selected as Grand Wizard, the Klan's national leader."

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Tripe,
Wikipedia is not a legitimate source; not that it matters.
To Christopher,
Just because the North wasn't fighting to free the slaves doesn't mean the South wasn't fighting to keep them. The South seceded in part to ensure that they would not be subject to emancipation laws.
To Brad,
A school changing its name because it’s named after a bigot is a sign of progress. It's also a sign that archaic notions of bigotry are losing power. So unless you like bigotry, this is not a legitimate reason to say the south sucks.
To all,
Marginalizing the South can be funny, but in the end it’s like all generalities. Making fun by generalizing is only good for proving a problem exists. At some point it leads to further stereotypes and more problems. So, workman chronicles was hilarious because he/she unveiled a problem. Brads idea was teetering over the edge. As for Karissa, racism is a serious issue down here and people like you only make it worse.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, regardless of the discussion here I can say without a doubt that the South really does suck. Guess what ... I live in Alabama. Gotta be a conservative Christian dumbass who sucks the congregation's collective dick or else be miserable to live here (unless you can be creative and rich enough to make your own alternate reality bubble). It sucks. But really the more I think about it.... people suck altogether. I don't think there will ever be more than a small percentage of cool and rational people to exist at one any one place at any particular time.

3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So this guy tries to tell Brad something, and Brad's only counterpoint was whether one letter should or should not be in place in the spelling out of the KKK? Real genius we're dealing with.

You might fit in well down South Brad. You don't have to be educated, have facts, or be reasonable, just repeat the same one sentence loud enough several times over and you can't ever be wrong. And to say you oversimplified the reasons behind the Civil War would be like saying Hitler wasn't the most fond of Jews (using your previous Hitler reference).

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Be Honest, The Ku Klux Klan Should Not Happen, Its A Rasist Act For No Real Reason. Death To The Message Of The Ku Klux Klan -Red Hot Chillie Peppers , I Hope They Do Change The Name Of The School. Maybe To Somthing Good Like MartinLutherKing. Though Thats A Bit Of A MouthFull.
" Welcome To MartinLutherKing High" Hmm.
But Yeh, I Want To Help Stop The Ku Klux Klan But How??

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having now lived in the south for over a year, I venture to say the civil war was exactly about slavery. Never have I met people more willing to twist anything to suit their purposes. The Bible, history, politics, anything is game for manipulation. The combination of ignorance and arrogance, one feeding the other, is deep enough to drown in.

8:41 PM  
Blogger sam said...

Wow. Just wow. I cannot believe there are so many close minded people out there. Not everyone in the South is racist, Christian, or a bigot. Not even CLOSE to half of the population of Birmingham, Alabama. That much I know for sure. I have been called racist by many black people simply because I refuse to treat any race better than another. So yes, there is SOME racism down here, but it should NOT be a defining factor. And all you people who keep saying "The South sucks," only make it worse for the south trying to make a name for itself.

12:52 AM  

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