Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Special Ops Cody

So . . . this is what it's come to. A few Iraqi rebels may have taken the title of King of the Douchebags away from Juan Manuel Alvarez (train guy). It seems these Einsteins decided it would be a good idea to capture an American soldier. Except they were either too stupid or too lazy to actually do it. So, of course, they did the next best thing. They captured Special Ops Cody. Good thinking, eh? Well, there's slight problem. Special Ops Cody is a doll. That's right, a doll. I'll tell you boys, that's top notch insurgency right there. So they've got this doll, and they sit him down against a wall, and take one of his little plastic toy guns, aim it at his head and take a picture. Then they published it, and threatened to behead Cody if their demands were not met in 72 hours. That is some big-time leverage they've got there. Needless to say, it took the American government about two seconds to determine that it was a doll and not a soldier. The way I see it, they really went about this the wrong way. What they should have done was had one of the rebels stand next to Cody in the picture with his foot overtop of him. Then they should have threatened to STOMP the soldier if their demands were not met. Ahh . . . I can see the headlines now. GIANT IRAQI REBELS CAPTURE SOLDIER. Or HUNDRED FOOT INSURGENT THREATENS CRUSHING. Really though, it's not those peons fault entirely. Their boss DID tell them to capture a G. I. I guess they just took that to mean G. I. Joe.


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