Saturday, September 17, 2005

Carson Daly

There are a lot of people who are on television. Some of them deserve to be there, and some of them don't. But how do the ones that don't belong end up on TV anyway? Well, the answer is simple. Sucking dicks. That has to be it, because it is the only explanation I can come up with that can show why Carson Daly, and people of his ilk (including one Mr. David Holmes, whom I had previously complained about) get to have shows on television. Think about it. What does Carson Daly really bring to the table? Is he funny? No. Is he sharp and quick-witted? No. Is he entertaining at all? NO! Is he boring? Quite. He is a no-talent hack. He is a bum. He is a bum with a television show for no apparent reason. Folks who host late night television shows are supposed to have redeeming, entertaining qualities that make people want to watch - you know, charisma, sense of humor, and those such things. Letterman, Leno, O'Brien, Ferguson, Kimmel, Stewart - they all have talent. They have qualities about them that make people interested. Carson Daly does not. He is bland. He's vanilla. Hell, he's not even vanilla. He's flavorless. He's tap water. Yet he has his own television program.

I urge you people. Watch his show a couple times. See if you can find anything entertaining at all that was actually something of Carson's doing. You won't. Because there isn't anything. I would rather watch Nancy and Jan filling paint tubes or vacuum-saving strawberries on an infomercial than watch Daly's show. Hence, I come to my conclusion. He's a dick-sucker. He's in some gay executive's pants and that keeps him on the air. So, if there are any serial killers out there, or anyone who's thinking about becoming a murderer, or anybody who just feels really motivated by my complaints, please add "Kill Carson Daly" to your to-do list. Thank you. Goodnight now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't post many blogs about things you like. You are a very negative person.

4:02 PM  
Blogger Brad said...

I think it seems that way because negative stuff is funny and positive stuff generally isn't, which is why more negative stuff finds its way onto my blog.

7:16 PM  
Blogger dwhit said...

Come on Brad you need to be a little more cheerful.

As they say, negativity killed the cat.

1:58 PM  
Blogger Brad said...

Goddamnit I hate cats.

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mere Tucker!

3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mere Tucker!

3:04 PM  
Blogger Brad said...

Here's an idea. Post the same comment twice.

5:14 PM  
Blogger dwhit said...

You know what's worse than Carson Daly? 7th Heaven and the people who watch it religiously.

I was just thinking about that . . .

2:45 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:01 PM  
Blogger dwhit said...


All you schmucks with stupid blogs can hit the road now. I'm not visiting any one of them . . . Not even to make fun of them.

10:10 AM  
Blogger sdfsbo said...

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2:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:32 AM  

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