a model blog post
You've seen them, but you probably don't really think about them. But when you go into a store like Target, they're everywhere. Who are they? They're models, and they appear on posters and walls all throughout the store. They come in all different shapes, sizes, ages and colors - but they all have one thing in common: they're gigantic losers. Firstly, none of them are ever portrayed doing an activity that you would see anywhere in the real world. They're seen riding on shopping carts, kicking their legs out, or are shown as just a giant head, modeling no merchandise whatsoever but perhaps the collar of a shirt. Upon the top of one shelf in Target there is a picture of a young boy modeling a polo shirt, the collar of which is popped up. I want to strangle this boy. But alas, he is only a poster.
But even worse than the models who appear on posters in the store, are models who appear on products, such as pillow boxes, underwear, cleaning agents, and hair care products. But the biggest offender of all of these is a certain woman. She stands on a beach, a sweater tied around her neck, her wavy hair flowing in the wind. That's right, she's the woman who appears on a box of douche. In some states, that is an alternative to the death penalty for female convicts. "Ms. Morris, you have been convicted of four counts of murder in the first degree for drowning your children in the bathtub. As per the jury's recommendation, I hereby sentence you to death. You have the choice of death by the electric chair or lethal injection, or you can appear on a douche box." "I'll take the chair."